Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Our two coke-addled cunts Nicola and Cheryl emerge from their shared cubicle in the Drink ladies’ toilets. Nicola can still string enough words together to ask the attendant Sophie Amogbokpa if she can use the cosmetics on the venue’s perfunctory display. With bitter irony, the unfortunate Sophie is working as a toilet attendant to pay her way through law college, being paid all of £25 for a full night’s shift waiting on drunks such as these. Cheryl then falls into view and starts petulantly grabbing lollipops off the stand. ’My father owns this place you fucking black bitch. I can do whatever I want to do. I will deal with you’. A security guard is called and as he seeks to restrain Cheryl, she lunges forward with a heavy punch. “She came right through and punched me in the left eye. My vision blurred and the eye closed immediately.”

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